ICCCI welcomes our new member – company 3d Signals. 3d Signals helps manufacturers to digitalize their machines to become an industry 4.0 “factory of the future”. Their solution generates visibility and actionable insights within hours, using a range of highly accurate, non-invasive sensors and a cloud-based Asset Performance Monitoring platform.
How does the technology of 3d Signals help in case of transformation to Industry 4.0?
3d Signals accelerates the digital transformation of manufacturers to the Industry 4.0 era. Our solution enables immediate visibility into production floors, through the quick, non-invasive, and machine agnostic deployment of a wide range of off-the-shelf sensors and an IoT edge device. Our AI-based Asset Performance Monitoring platform transforms this signal data into powerful insights, providing multiple business intelligence and analysis tools in the cloud.
What is exceptional in the technology?
Unlike other digitalization solution, ours is a plug & play solution which can digitalize any machine, regardless of its type, age or model. We can therefore digitalize entire production floors in a matter of 2-3 days, providing insights and BI from day 1, and results within 2-3 months.
What can companies expect from your products?
Our solution has been proven by our customers to create transparency across organization, and enhance employee motivation. Our customers see significant improvement in machine efficiency and OEE within 3 months of installation, which results in increased productivity and reduced operating costs.